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What Wix design services do Wix Service offer?Wix Service offer a range of wix website design and management services including:Basic Wix website design for information type websites, eCommerce Wix website design for eCommerce shopping websites, Wix website review for tips and suggestions on how to improve your Wix website, Wix-pert help service for problems you may be having with your Wix website, and Wix website content management services (where we manage your site content and updates for you). We also specialise in Wix website redesign and bespoke design services, as well as offering boutique Wix templates not to be found anywhere else!
How do you work?We work remotely allowing us to keep costs down and pass these savings onto our clients. If you would like some help with your Wix website you can contact us by email, or via our quote request form. Alternatively if you would like one of our designers to speak with you, please send us an email to so we can arrange a convenient time to speak with you either on the phone or by skype or whatsapp. We prefer to be added as a contributor to your site as a "Website manager" as this allows us access to the Wix Editor and your SEO setup from our own Wix Pro Partner account. This keeps all your billing and personal info safe and also means we don't need your login details.
How long does it take?For an average Wix website design project of around five pages, we would estimate a total build time of around two weeks. This includes the design time and editing. However, for more complex builds the build time can vary. We can also build one-page websites very quickly - within a few days turnaround! Get in touch with us today for a quote and estimated build time.
How is Wix Service different from other website designers?Wix Service specialise in Wix website design. We only build Wix websites and focus on being the best Wix website designers we can by trialling the latest Wix technology alongside the latest design and colour trends. Unlike many other website designers, we focus on building our clients a beautiful functional website that is easy for them to manage themselves through the Wix editor. We think we've done our jobs well if you don't need us to update your site's contents. (Of course, we do offer site editing and management services if you would prefer us to manage your site content for you!)
Do you only build Wix websites and if so why?Yes, we are a Wix website design agency specialising only in working with and designing Wix websites. We used to build websites using other types of website design software, such as Joomla, MeanStacks, JavaScript and WordPress, but found that actually Wix was a much better option for our clients for a number of reasons: 1. Cost effective - Wix websites are a lot quicker for us to build for our clients (even the bespoke designs) as we are focusing on the design only and not the coding. By cutting out the coding and need for a developer, we can build sites quicker and at a lower rate. 2. Versatility - The only limit to Wix websites is your imagination. Due to the advances with the Wix editor we can do most things design wise and can find workarounds for any problems. 3. Easy for clients to manage themselves - One of the biggest advantages for us using Wix to build websites for our clients, is that many clients are looking for an easy to use site that they can manage themselves without the need for any coding. Wix's easy to use "drag-and-drop" editor means our clients not only get a great looking website but also the ability to easily manage it themselves and change ANY part of it without any coding. 4. Works on all devices - Wix websites are built as responsive websites and are viewable on all devices across all web browsers and software. A Wix website will perform just as well on a desktop computer as a mobile or tablet device. In fact Wix sites have a special mobile site builder option that allows for many additional mobile friendly features such as mobile quick contact buttons to appear at the bottom of every screen and an easy to use menu navigation. 5. Great with SEO - Many people are concerned that a website built using a website builder like Wix won't perform as well with SEO as a website built traditionally using Joomla, JavaScript or WordPress. This is not the case. Wix websites have been proven to perform as well as, if not better than traditionally built websites or even WordPress! Check out some of our blog posts about Wix SEO and high performance scores here.
Do I have to give you my Wix login details as I'm worried about security?Wix Service are a trusted supplier of Wix website design services having worked with clients around the world.You do not have to give us your Wix login details (we actually prefer you not to), instead you can either transfer the site to us to work on and once complete we transfer it back, or you can add us as a contributor to your site. We prefer to be added as a contributor to your site as a "Website manager" as this allows us access to the Wix Editor and your SEO setup from our own Wix Pro Partner account. This keeps all your billing and personal info safe and also means we don't need your login details.
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